Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Treo VOIP solutions

Skype - call the world at rock bottom prices
Welcome Treoholics I am bringing a great new service to you. This will help to cut down your minutes useage by harnessing VOIP technology. using your data plan to place calls 0n your Treo (versus your minute plan) and desktop PC with a broadband service, Soonr and Skypeout services. Place calls to a mobile, PC or landlines in the US or Canada. Soonr is a great program that is a free and allows you access to your desktop files and Skype. Soonr is a wonderfu web2.0 service. I will bring you more of these great web2.0 services that can enhance your Treo. I hope you enjoy these two great companies. Tell others about us and come back soon for Treo tantras.

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